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K&N Carpet knows that precise in-home measurements are critical to any new flooring installation
K&N Carpet has often been called to correct in-home measurement mistakes. Our professional installers make certain every room is measured properly. Properly determining the in-home measurement of any room's floor area may seem as easy as stretching out a tape measure. However, K&N Carpet knows that's often not the case. Inexperienced homeowners often read the tape improperly, or fail to understand exactly where to take the required measurements.
The result of these errors can be wasted time and money, especially if they result in ordering too little or too much flooring product. That's the reason why flooring product manufacturers and dealers alike almost always suggest that residential and commercial customers let installation experts take these critical measurements. Their hard-earned expertise precludes these costly errors.
The result of these errors can be wasted time and money, especially if they result in ordering too little or too much flooring product. That's the reason why flooring product manufacturers and dealers alike almost always suggest that residential and commercial customers let installation experts take these critical measurements. Their hard-earned expertise precludes these costly errors.
In-home measurement service yields satisfied customers
K&N Carpet has many satisfied customers in Fort Wayne, Roanoke, Huntertown, Huntington and New Haven, Indiana. We sell and install carpet, hardwood, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, laminate and vinyl flooring, on time and within budget. In most cases, our professionals begin by gathering precise floor measurements in every room that is getting new flooring.